Stella had been at the Humboldt County Pound for a few months when she met mom for the first time. One of us, Riley, had just been killed by a evil, curse their hides, hit and run driver (we will tell the story later) and mom, though heartbroken, figured there was room in our pack needing to be filled. Back then Stella was called Skids, can you believe such a dumb name, cuz she had fallen out of something moving and skinned off the top of her head. She still has a tiny diamond scar.
When Stella saw mom both new they were meant for each other. Stell roodled (she talks) at mom, flipped over on her back, and looked all adorable. Mom sort of chuckled, not bad as she had been crying for days. The rest of us were pretty low, missing Riley, and Stella's riotous humor and enthusiasm helped us to grieve Riley without becoming depressed.
Some people are scared of Stella when they first see her. We call that doggie breedism. Stella is the most gentle and kind of us. She has a gentle spirit and the gift of connecting with people from her heart. She makes friends wherever she goes. Here are some of her favorite things:
- Going to the Farm Store where dogs can come inside and choose their own treats
- Anything soft
- Tug-of-war
- Roodling
- Doing tricks
- Running in circles
- Visiting her friends
- Cookies
- Playing the game "Scritches"
Stella loves to visit mom's father in Blaine, Washington where she is best friends with Rosie, a little poodle. Mom cracks up how people stop and stare at Rosie and Stella playing. We think Stella is about 7 or 8 years old. She would be a great spy dog because she has natural camoflague. Her friend Esther Garvey says she looks like one of the wild dogs around Zinder. Heh, heh - hear that ELSIE!!!! Mess with Stella and she'll get her WILD DOG friends to chase your mean self!