Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Last Day of Summer Vacation

We have to speak, we do. If we wait for mom to write the words for our blog, we will be putting on ice skates in that hot place down there, far under the ground.

Today is a very, very sad day. Tomorrow we start the time when mom gets up early and kicks us out of our softies on the bed. She will make us go outside in the cold and damp grass while she showers and dresses in fancy clothes that she says we can't shed on. Then she leaves us. Everyday. For a long time.

Mom is not happy either. She says that summer vacation is over. We don't know what a vacation is but when mom is with us all day, we sure have fun. Here are lots of pictures of us, having fun for weeks and weeks and weeks. Mom says this is what summer vacations are for. Fun. We say they are for the dogs. We likes them the best.

Here I, Stella, am doing walkies in my easy leader. See how it matches my special colors.

Sometimes mom hitches us together and we go for walkies.

Ha ha, here I Lena gots to go camping with mom without Stella. It would have been
perfect but somehow that stupid Red Horse got to come along and I had to stay at the
tent when mom and Red Horse got to ride on lots and lots of trails.

Oh ha ha ha. And here's I Stella playing the game called "pay backs" on Lena.

We like to steal the horses' water cuz they always steals mom's attention from us.

But horses do one good thing - they make the very best stinkies
to roll in, lots and lots of stinkies.

We love to run chases.

Really loves it.

Zoomies are even better than walkies.

I Lena am a versatile dog and do many jobs. Here I am watching the ocean.

Here is the water trying to trick me by tasting of too much salt.

I didn't like that so I am pawing the tricksy water.

Heh, heh, and here I am again teaching Stella the not-so-scary pit bull who is the alpha dog . . . er, hope mom isn't watching cuz she will say SHE is the alpha dog.

This is my "aren't I a good, cute dog" face I saves just for mom. I am waiting for her to say "OK" so I can runs across the street into the place where Red Horse lives. I am happy becuz I am going to get to roll in my bestest most favorite smells, horse stinkies. Did I tell you I don't just roll in them? Horse stinkies are yummy to crunch on.

We know there haven't been too many blog stories about us lately, but we want everyone to know it is cuz of all our fun. At least we have lots of fun times to dream about while we wait for mom to come home from work. We have to go through the wet times and the cold times and the windy times before next summer fun times returns for us.


Esther Garvi said...

Wow! You guys have really had an awesome summer!

Celeste said...

Sounds like you guys had a really great summer, sorry that your Mom has to go back to work :(

Cactus Jack Splash said...

I can see why you are sad to have your mom go back to work. It looks like you had a great summer

Lisa said...

Thank you for sharing the photos. They are adorable!!!