Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Walking the Dog

Oh yeah, I'm gonna walk the dog . . . 

Look at those three sweet faces!!!  Missing Max sneaks up on me, sometimes a welcome memory, sometimes overwhelming loss.  

Lena and Stella will tell you that it has been too long since we have gone for a walk - a DOG walk, just for walkings sake.  Everynight we walk (one dog with me, one protecting our home), but that is focused on getting or caring for Red and Lyra (grrrrrr, horses!).

Our last dog walk was with our friend Katie and her mom Liz a couple of weeks before Katie birthed 12 puppies.  Eleven survived and are now 7 weeks old.  Those eleven pups form a ginormous horde of cuteness (unless you are a cat).  Visit them at Katie's blog.  

Today is a good day to resume walking the dog for the dogs' sakes.  Yesterday my back went out.  No warning - well, not quite true.  I knew my hips were aching and one leg was clearly longer than the other.  And I put off going to the chiropractor one day too long.  While I woke up barely able to walk, my chiropractor's gentle adjustment helped immensely.  Today I am much better, but STIFF.  And needing to walk.  Stella and Lena have only one comment, "ABOUT TIME!"


Natalie Rush said...

You are brave to walk three! I love it! It's inspiring!

Esther Garvi said...

Although I love bringing the whole herd out together (the more the merrier, hey?) I also enjoy some quality time with horses, dogs and even goats - apart. Sheba LOVES when we take our evening walks in the lose sand and head for her playground: the Zinder rocks. Dennis doesn't care for rock climbing but he enjoys the walk and always finds a million bushes that need watering. Sheba on the other hand is training her skill of rock jumping and can now access rock formations I can only dream of reaching. Do you have any good area to go with the dogs? I know I am fortunate to live in a country where I can let my dogs lose and not have to worry about "angry people".